
Monday, July 12, 2021

Pre-market summary on your portfolio Aristocrats

Latest 1 day change: ABT +0.40%, ADP +0.92%, CLX -0.55%, COP +1.55%, ED -0.08%, JNJ +0.40%, KO +0.61%, LEG +2.15%, MCD +1.22%, MO +2.09%, MSFT +0.19%, NOC +0.51%, PG +0.04%, PM +1.05%, T +0.96%, VZ +0.70%, WMT +0.51%, XOM +1.81%

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Breaking News

MSFT Microsoft set to buy cybersecurity firm RiskIQ - Bloomberg


PM 8 Reasons Philip Morris Is An Incredible High-Yield Rich Retirement Opportunity by Dividend Sensei

VZ Verizon Strengthens Location Services With Senion Acquisition by Bruce Krulwich

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ABT Upcoming Ex-Dividend Dates: July 13-26, 2021 by FerdiS

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VZ, MSFT Wall Street Breakfast: The Week Ahead by Wall Street Breakfast

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