
Sunday, July 11, 2021

Weekend summary on your portfolio Geezer$Alert ... Roth

Last week change: AGNC +2.18%, AMT +0.19%, APL n/a, BRK.B +2.33%, CCI +0.49%, COP +1.55%, CVX +1.43%, EPD +1.33%, EPR +2.87%, EQL +1.29%, ET +2.12%, FUN +1.89%, HTS n/a, KMI +2.75%, LMT +0.84%, NEE -0.19%, NEP -0.54%, NOC +0.51%, PAA +3.44%, RNF n/a, SBR +2.37%, XLU +0.12%, XLY +0.93%

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